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Cognitro offers multi-level intensive training programs designed for executives, managers and practitioners. The main goal is to enable the entire organization to embed full data science capabilities and obtain the maximum return on investment. All courses contain a balance mixture of theory and practice with interactive breakout sessions. Our seasoned instructors are PhD researchers and developers of data mining and predictive analytics algorithms with years of deep involvement in innovative research and development of real-world data mining solutions.

Training Levels

Citizen Data Scientists

Citizen data scientists play a unique role within an organization, bridging gaps between the business units and the analytics experts and our courses are designed to provide the skills needed to carry this level of communication..

Practitioner Data Scientist

Effective application of data science requires a multi-faceted set of knowledge centered around statistics, machine learning and storytelling. Our courses create a fast-track to becoming a full-fledged data scientists with effective skills to have an impactful application of AI to solve real life problems.

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Advanced Data Science

AI and data science has a wide spectrum of applications in text and sentiment analytics, image and video analytics as well as geo-spatial data analytics. With advanced AI and deep learning methodologies, data scientists can now push analytics to a new frontier and start employing data science to champion and innovate models that will totally revolutionary business and industrious, from image and video object recognition to autonomous vehicles and smart health.

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Key Benefits of the Service

Begin to take charge of your organization data and build strong internal data science capabilities creating an engine of strategic insights that will guide critical business, policies and operational deicisions

  • Develop real data science capabilities
  • Build AI leadership and analytics management skills
  • Improve the organizational decision making process
  • Become a Cognitive organization
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